Finnish Psychiatric Association is a Finnish specialist non profit association founded in 1913, whose members include almost all doctors working in the field of psychiatry in Finland. The number of members of the association ~ 1300.
What We Do
The purpose of the association is to promote scientific and professional activities in the field of psychiatry as well as mental health work. Our association e.g. organizes meetings and training in the field of psychiatry, participates in international activities in the field of psychiatry, delivers publications, grants grants, makes initiatives and presentations, and gives expert opinions.

Apply for membership
Every doctor licensed in Finland or medical student who has a proven right to study at the Faculty of Medicine can be accepted as a member of the Finnish Psychiatric Association. For a special reason, a person working in the field of psychiatry in Finland who has obtained a medical degree abroad and who is not legalized in Finland can also be accepted as a member.
Membership of the association is applied for in writing from the board of the Finnish Psychiatric Association; Scan the signed membership application and send it to the office of the Psychiatric Association by email at
Contact Us
President of the association

Erika Jääskeläinen
Secretary General

Tommi Väyrynen